@Oracle Corporation, EMEA Sales Kick Off, Feb 2018 by Jamil Qureshi

Jamil Qureshi Speaker Biography Cover

“Great talk from Jamil Qureshi today on the psychology of high performance. What an amazing speaker! Some of my take-aways: What you think and feel drives how you act, whether positive or negative. Take charge of your inner dialogue. An event plus your reaction to it drives the outcome. The reaction part is where you take full responsibility for shaping the outcome. Your belief system dictates your reality. You will always prove yourself right, even when you are wrong. Closing food for thought: opportunities are never lost, they are just found by someone else who chose to think differently. Great mind magic.”

@Acelity Medical Sales Conference, Barcelona, Feb 2018

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“Dear Jonathan – Thank you very much for taking the time to come to Barcelona yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and learned so much from the doctors and speeches although, I have to say the images did make me feel a little queasy! but what amazing work they do in helping to change people’s lives and help them to recover. Thank you again. Kindest regards Jo Malone”