We’ve been representing and supplying speakers for events in Geneva and across Switzerland since we launched in 2006. We represent a range of brilliant home grown famous Swiss Speakers and many International Speakers we import in for Conferences. One of our main clients is Procter & Gamble in Geneva.

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        Representing Switzerland’s Leading Inspirational Speakers

        Switzerland is PROMOTIVATE’s second principle region of Europe for sending inspirational conference speakers to. Our first ever job was with our long term client Procter & Gamble who are head quartered in Geneva. We regularly send some of the world’s leading and best known speakers to give keynotes across Switzerland.

        Requiring a Conference Speaker in Geneva or Elsewhere in Switzerland?

        If you are seeking an inspirational speaker or group of speakers for an event in Switzerland contact PROMOTIVATE’s European Speaker’s Agency Head Office in London on +44 (0)2078711829. We will be pleased to advise and recommend suitable speakers based on your requirement.