Star of Netflix documentary ‘Solo’ who provides purpose and responsibility to corporate teams through his inspirational story
A successful businessman and surf lover, Alvaro Vizcaino saw his life change in an instant when he had an accident and was trapped in an isolated area with very serious injuries. He had to survive alone for three days without any help. He is a remarkable example of overcoming adversity.
Álvaro Vizcaíno learned some powerful lessons during his ordeal, which he relates directly, powerfully, and inspiringly to the reality of his audience. He focuses on finding internal resources to overcome uncertainty. To do so, he draws on his training in psychology, mindfulness, and coaching to motivate his audience.
Alvaro Vizcaino, an inspiring expert with a transgressive approach to self-improvement, believes that the potential for change lies in fear. According to him, most self-help books focus on the “how” to do something. They don’t look at the source of behaviour or condition, i.e. the “what” and the “why.” However, you will know how to move forward once you analyze “what you do” and “why” you do it. This applies to both businesses and individuals.
Álvaro Vizcaíno tackles life’s most challenging problems head-on. His story of shipwreck and revelation was captured in the Netflix Spanish feature film “SOLO.”
As a conference speaker, Alvaro Vizcaino delivers powerful talks focusing on accepting circumstances and adapting. His story of the miracle of the spirit to self-improve generates a call for urgency in life. He delivers a positive, motivational message. He lives in Madrid, Spain, and presents in English and Spanish.
Alvaro Vizcaino is represented exclusively by Promotivate for speaking worldwide. We offer favourable business terms for other agencies to book Alvaro through Promotivate.
Temáticas: Superación, motivación, cambio
> Estratégias ante la adversidad
> Coaching de equipos – propósito y responsabilidad
> Película de Netflix basada en su historia personal “SOLO”
> Gran discurso y visualización guiada
Álvaro es un empresario independiente que ha sabido aprovechar el riesgo para utilizarlo a su favor transformando las dificultades en oportunidades.
Antes del accidente que cambiaría su vida, ayudaba a sus clientes a facturar millones de euros en el sector e-commerce. “Buscando la ola perfecta” encontró la prueba perfecta, una de esas en las que se pierde o se gana todo. En una excursión para hacer surf en una zona inhóspita de la isla, cayó por un acantilado y sobrevivió 48 horas perdido con graves lesiones.
Esta increíble historia de cómo escapó de la muerte se cuenta también a través de la película “SOLO” (Netflix). Una historia de cambio y adaptación constante, de eso trata su conferencia; cómo adaptarse y sobrevivir en entornos nuevos y amenazantes. También tiene estudios en psicología, mindfulness y coaching, que utiliza para motivar a cada tipo de público. Consigue crear una metáfora con la situación de cada equipo. Su conferencia es ideal para inspirar a la audiencia hacia el cambio en entornos de incertidumbre. Propone un método claro para practicar durante la conferencia.
A pesar de la dura e impresionante historia, el mensaje está cargado de positivismo y de ilusión, ¡sales con ganas de vivir!
"We really loved Alvaro and thought he was spot on for our conference - a really amazing story, beautifully told."
"He talked about improvement, about what it means to be successful and he knows a lot about that. As a speaker he is excellent, he had the audience very engaged, very interesting."
"I loved Álvaro, he seemed super close and human to me. He made us reflect and slowed down the pace for all of us, they were delighted. A total success, from the people you want to continue meeting."
"Alvaro inspired our 500 team in our annual convention. It is curious how, from his experience, he offered us a method to face this hard stage."