Happiness psychologist focusing on sustainable wellbeing during times of change, author, and ‘Habitud’ co-founder
Katarina Blom, the co-founder of ‘Habitud’, Sweden’s first psychological gym, and one of the country’s most popular speakers, was nominated for Speaker of the Year in 2016 and 2019. Over 2 million people across the globe saw her TEDx lecture. A happiness psychologist, Katarina focuses on how we can create sustainable well-being during times of change.
A world in constant change means it is important that we know how our brain works, as it tends to slowly change over time. Katarina Blom believes that, with the help of psychology, people become empowered with the tools needed to change and create habitats that last and support our wellbeing.
Besides regularly appearing on podcasts and talk shows, Katarina Blom is the co-author of two books, i.e., ‘Seriously Happy – an introduction to positive psychology‘ and ‘Lonely or Strong – how to create successful teams’. She is currently in the process of writing her third book ‘The We-Brain – the surprising science on how our connections make us happier, healthier, and more resilient’.
As a speaker, Katarina Blom is passionate about dispelling myths and rumours about what makes us happy. Instead, her entertaining, interactive presentations show what science and research teach about human wellbeing. Participants also receive insights on how to easily create change in their daily lives. She lives in Sweden and presents in Swedish and English.
“I have had the honor to invite Katarina on a project for our organization. I am, and we are, extremely impressed by her personality and expertise that transformed profound psychology knowledge in such an understandable and practical way, which made it possible to practice and develop in our daily business context. Katarina is very sharp, wise and inspiring, while at the same time being very open, constructive and practical. It was such an unique and unforgettable experience, and many of us are still enjoying the benefits from the time with her. Coming from my experience with Katarina, I highly recommend her and her professional service. If you have a chance to listen to her lecture or invite her as an organization consultant, never hesitate, not even for a second.”
“Katarina är en fantastisk organisationskonsult som ser kundens unika behov. Hennes intresse för andra, hennes lyhördhet och vilja att hjälpa gör att hon levererar sina uppdrag över förväntan. I hennes föreläsningar blandar hon personliga upplevelser och den senaste psykologiska forskningen. Det gör att det träffar rakt in i hjärtat på publiken, och verktygen hon ger kan verkligen göra skillnad. Har ni chansen, lyssna på Katarinas föreläsningar, eller ta hjälp av hennes djupa kompetens!”
“Katarina is one of the best I’ve ever worked with! I love that she’s super ambitious and has the mindset to always deliver results, but just as much that she’s so kind, caring and creates this amazing positive energy around her! I’ve seen it so many times how she can affect the atmosphere at the office - and even the workplace culture as a whole. I would never have thought a quick acro yoga excersise could be a great part of the day at work before I met her.”