Italian Formula One high performance and emotional intelligence expert and conference speaker
Luigi Mazzola is driven by a passion for increased performance. This has been a guiding factor in his own life, both in a personal and professional capacity. This has led to his success in a career spanning twenty years in the sports industry as well as his coaching practices of today.
Someone synonymous with Ferrari, his twenty years with the company have encouraged him to improve, deal with constant strain, stress, and commitment, all while reaching for maximum performance and achieving certain goals. This background, where success hinges on good teamwork, was, according to Luigi Mazzola, what made him such a success at what he did. His time with Ferrari and Formula 1 racing saw the team win 14 world titles.
Someone who comes from a background that sees constant cutting-edge developments, Luigi Mazzola is in a unique position to understand the importance of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence, according to him, allows people to live in the present, make changes to their thought processes in keeping with technological advancements, and deal with stress and other issues.
The founder of Luigi Mazzola Consulting, his latest career path sees him as an executive coach and trainer who helps companies change in order to progress while always staying person-centric through the development of new skills.
As a speaker, Luigi Mazzola focuses on his journey of discovery regarding the development of the human mind, the unconscious, and spirituality. His alternative mental training models focus on excellence in performance and change. He lives in Italy and speaks Italian.