Why care about ecosystems and why do firms design ecosystems instead of products? What are they and how do they differ from other organizing models? How are they changing the competitive landscape and why do firms design ecosystems instead of products? Ecosystems have long traditions but in different forms eg. localized and specialized industrial districts.
How do companies redefine the competitive landscape and competitive dynamics which includes; redefining the logics of value creation and value appropriation; redefining the business architecture; managing inter-firm activities’ interactions becomes more important than performing activities; redefining the firm’s competitive positioning and logics in the new, broader business context.
How do companies design an ecosystem, what are the main challenges in elements and challenges designing and building them?
How is Digital Transformation involved in the process?
We represent some of the world’s leading experts and professional conference speakers in this field. This inside knowledge has been provided by Professor Carmelo Cennamo and is an outline of a keynote he game in Russia titled: “Why, How and When To Build an Ecosystem?”
Why care about ecosystems and why do firms design ecosystems instead of products? What are they and how do they differ from other organizing models? How are they changing the competitive landscape and why do firms design ecosystems instead of products? Ecosystems have long traditions but in different forms eg. localized and specialized industrial districts.
How do companies redefine the competitive landscape and competitive dynamics which includes; redefining the logics of value creation and value appropriation; redefining the business architecture; managing inter-firm activities’ interactions becomes more important than performing activities; redefining the firm’s competitive positioning and logics in the new, broader business context.
How do companies design an ecosystem, what are the main challenges in elements and challenges designing and building them?
How is Digital Transformation involved in the process?
We represent some of the world’s leading experts and professional conference speakers in this field. This inside knowledge has been provided by Professor Carmelo Cennamo and is an outline of a keynote he game in Russia titled: “Why, How and When To Build an Ecosystem?”